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Not only do we talk about diversity, we live it. ComSIT is convinced that different cultures, perspectives, thoughts and ideologies not only promote peace and freedom, but also creativity and brilliant ideas. Gender equality matters to us just as much as cultural and ethnic diversity. Our employees, the true treasure of our company, originate from all over the world, speak a wide variety of languages, can develop their talents freely with us, and create a colorful environment in which being together gives birth to ideas and a great deal of creativity. Diversity is our focus and allows us to achieve great things with a “diverse team”. We are proud of that!

Everyone who works for us is influenced by the spirit of living together on a planet that needs to be protected, preserved and passed on to the next generation as intact as possible.

Maybe one day we will welcome you and you will become a part of the ComSIT world. Contact us if you see your future in our team.